Hi all,
Back in 1982 when I was a mere 12 year old, a group of us were sitting round after the book study discussing how soon ?it? might be. The general consensus was that it was ?real soon? but a few short years at most away.
My stepfather then chipped in with this comment. ?I tell you all here tonight. If we are all sitting here in the year 2000 then I will have some serious thinking to do, because obviously by then we would know it could not be true!? He said this in all seriousness secure in his own mind that what he was saying was never going to happen, and indeed the nods and smiles of the mindless drones also in the room re-enforced that view. Namely that of course we were never going to wait as long as the year 2000 and how silly to even think such a thing.
When I see my mother and stepfather now I just see burnt out hollow shells of their former selves. Of course they cannot see that they have been sold a dud. They still live for the hope of ?any day now.?
I recently repeated my stepfather?s comments back to him and all he could come back with was a feeble ?well we don?t serve for a specific date and we must have faith that the end will come soon?.
They are going to go to their graves mindless tired and lonely old people.
How sad.
I HATE you Watchtower for the hurt you have caused my family.